Self-Confidence Secrets

End self-sabotage and start to live your life to the fullest by feeling confident in all areas

  • Do you have great ideas and plans, but hold yourself back?

  • Are you concerned about aging or dislike certain parts of your body?

  • Are you bored of the same old, same old job or relationship, but stay there as it’s easier to play it safe?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you need to keep reading!

Often, we find ourselves sticking to the same habits and daily routines and not pushing ourselves further because we don’t have the confidence to live life to the fullest.

Where a lack of belief in our abilities or skills takes over.

Maybe you find it easier to let others take that promotion at work even though you worked harder than anyone else, or perhaps you talk yourself out of your dreams and end up making excuses not to step forward.

This can indicate low self-confidence & self-esteem.

Does this resonate with you?

If yes read on... as I’m going to share something quite personal with you

Something you may not believe at first, but if you welcome it, it can be a life defining moment in your life.

I can say this with such confidence, because when I made this same realization, everything in my life changed.

I stopped my unhealthy habits with food, work and constantly striving for a happiness  that I just could never seem to find.

I embraced my passion to help men and women across the globe to live happier love-filled and vibrant lives.

It was the catalyst that has fueled my entire personal, professional, and physical  being.

And until I learned it, it was the hidden cause of most of my relationship discontent, work challenges, weight issues and general sense of fear and loneliness. 

What is this magical power move that changed it all for me? I learned to increase my confidence by loving myself.

Something you may not believe at first, but if you welcome it, it can be a life defining moment in your life.

I can say this with such confidence, because when I made this same realization, everything in my life changed.

I stopped my unhealthy habits with food, work and constantly striving for a happiness  that I just could never seem to find.

I embraced my passion to help men and women across the globe to live happier love-filled and vibrant lives.

It was the catalyst that has fueled my entire personal, professional, and physical  being.

And until I learned it, it was the hidden cause of most of my relationship discontent, work challenges, weight issues and general sense of fear and loneliness. 

What is this magical power move that changed it all for me? I learned to increase my confidence by loving myself.

Self-Confidence Secrets Program

Experience What Living a Life of Love And Confidence Is For Yourself

  • 8-week Comprehensive Course (16 modules in pdf format)
  • 16 Audio Lessons to accompany coursework
  • 8 Exclusive Guided Meditations
  • ​2 Bonus Ebooks

Experience What Living a Life of Love And Confidence Is For Yourself

  • 8-week Comprehensive Course (16 modules in pdf format)
  • 16 Audio Lessons to accompany coursework
  • 8 Exclusive Guided Meditations
  • ​2 Bonus Ebooks

Hi, I’m Nicola Beer...

Hi, I’m Nicola Beer...

If you are ready to put heartbreak and pain aside once and for all, there is something you need to know first...

If You Don’t Love All Of You, You Cannot Be Truly Confident Or be Loved By Anyone Else.

We’ve all heard this many times before but what we don’t hear is how this can be adopted in your life to make it as practical for you as possible. To actually increase confidence and make it a part of your daily life.

If we don’t value and love ourselves, if we don’t believe in ourselves, we will never be able to have the great relationships we seek or a life filled with happiness and success.

If we don’t love ourselves and are involved in romantic relationships, our partner may tell us they love us but we will not believe them or feel their love... we will constantly look for evidence to prove otherwise allowing ourselves to believe that they are losing interest and never mean what they say. 

Did they initiate intimacy like they always used to in the past? If not, why don’t they want me? I am not as desirable for them as I used to be in the past.

Did they hold my hand, or pull me in for cuddles, or just show affection out of the blue like they used to? They must be losing interest, or they’ve met someone else.

Or in family relationships or friendships, they don’t call me much, must be because they don’t actually like or care about me.

We feel like we can’t express how we really feel. We worry that we will push those we love away if we show our true selves, so we do our best to act like we are perfect and it’s so tiring and draining!

Feelings of “not feeling good enough” can come to the surface when it comes to relationships, work, dating, so instead we end up settling for partners or jobs that we're not happy with.

We fail to trust others in life. We are in a constant state of pain because we carry around a burden so heavy... a burden of doubt... doubt in ourselves, our partners.

Our health is affected as we care less about it or beat ourselves up saying we don’t look good enough.

We are constantly looking for quick fix solutions because we think that will make us feel better… you know what I mean... haircuts… sprees...

 ...a one night stand...

 ...a glass of wine that soon turns into a bottle or two...

 ...a late night snack that turns into a binge...

But these do nothing to fix us or how we feel and we are left feeling even worse. We will continue to feel this way until we stop looking for our happiness in other people, places or things.

We fail to trust others in life. We are in a constant state of pain because we carry around a burden so heavy... a burden of doubt... doubt in ourselves, our partners.

Our health is affected as we care less about it or beat ourselves up saying we don’t look good enough.

We are constantly looking for quick fix solutions because we think that will make us feel better… you know what I mean... haircuts… sprees...

 ...a one night stand...

 ...a glass of wine that soon turns into a bottle or two...

 ...a late night snack that turns into a binge...

But these do nothing to fix us or how we feel and we are left feeling even worse. We will continue to feel this way until we stop looking for our happiness in other people, places or things.

Now Let Me Ask You This...

How can someone feel confident if they don’t love themselves and have self-esteem?

The truth, is that loving and accepting yourself is the best thing you can do to boost your confidence. Because until you actually love you, you will not realise just how much power that holds. We always have this false illusion that our problems are caused by things external to us. Which is why we go in search of the solutions in all the wrong places.

Meanwhile, the solution is to look inward and we refuse to do this because it is scary. It means that we have to deal with things that may have caused us pain in the past and led to a lack of confidence or low self esteem. 

We refuse to acknowledge self love as the powerful force it is and can be in our lives when we use it to manifest our dreams. We laugh it off and think self-love is something silly that only idiots believe in. We do everything we can to avoid acknowledging how we really feel inside.

But We Are So Wrong

Because what we think self-confidence and loving ourselves means and what it actually means are so very far apart.


  You have a 

feeling of 

freedom, lightness and more than anything you feel like you have life 

in you

  You have a feeling of freedom, lightness and more than anything you feel like you have life in you

  Not proving anything to anyone, ever. You know you're opinion is the only one that matters for things that concern you.

You go for your dreams and know you deserve them, you sign up for challenges and ask for promotions and pay rises

You go for your dreams and know 

you deserve them, you sign up for challenges and ask for promotions 

and pay rises

 Not hiding who 

we are at your 

core. You share 

how you feel, even 

if the feelings are messy and embarrassing.

 Not hiding who we are at your  core. You share how you feel, even if the feelings are messy and embarrassing.

 Accepting the 

love you receive from others. 

Never doubting 

the sincerity of 

the love you 

receive. Never feeling like you are not worthy of that love.

 Accepting the love you receive from others. Never doubting the sincerity of 

the love you receive. Never feeling like you are not worth of that love.

You feel at peace and can put your energy into creating  a life and relationships you want instead of defending or being on guard from things you don’t want to lose

 Not accepting 

being treated badly, or giving in to any kind of social pressure. You don't have to feel obligated to do things just because people think you

are meant to.

 Not accepting being treated badly, or giving in to any kind of social pressure. You don't have to feel obligated to do things just because people think you

are meant to.

 Not being afraid to get hurt. You stop creating reasons why relationships will let you down. You don’t run away from a chance to feel love. You're confident you can handle anything.

My Breakthrough

I experienced cycling negative thoughts, feeling lonely and relationship drama, so I

 know how PAINFUL, FRUSTRATING, & ANNOYING it can be.

I experienced cycling negative thoughts, feeling lonely and relationship drama, so I know how PAINFUL, FRUSTRATING, & ANNOYING it can be. 

 And... I too reached the point of being DONE with this pattern.

 That's when everything changed in my life and abundance flowed to me from all directions.

  • My lack of body confidence of 20 years left me and is still gone.
  • I attracted more compliments, gifts and acts of kindness from friends, family and men, left, right and centre.
  • I healed my body and my habitual drinking to feel confident or escape faded away.
  • ​In less than 8 weeks my financial concerns started to disappear.
  • ​New unique opportunities and invitations to spread this message on TV, radio, and conferences kept flying in.

The amazing thing is, it’s still like this!!! 

When you focus on building your self-confidence by loving yourself, 

your life transforms, so you better be ready...

Once my confidence increased, I no longer had to wait for what I wanted, it came to me and I no longer felt dissatisfied with life.

Once my confidence increased, I no longer had to wait for what I wanted, it came to me and I no longer felt dissatisfied with life.

YOU can be DONE with this pattern too.

You can leave behind the baggage and drama and feel confident in yourself whole  and complete. 

Introducing the Self-Confident Secrets:

A Complete Set of Tools That Will Change Your Life Forever

Based on my experience working with thousands of men and women around the world, I can tell you that learning what self-love is and how to practice it in your life is the best form of healing and manifesting your dreams. It is a single idea through which mental, emotional, and physical health flows.

Now I’m offering the latest, most updated version of Self-Confidence Secrets in an 8-week course format complete with coursework materials.

JOIN NOW & You'll Get Access to ALL THIS Over the Next 8 Weeks:

The Secrets to stop the cycle of negative thoughts, chronic dissatisfaction, and relationship drama in this 

8 Week Life-Changing Course with 16 Comprehensive 

Lessons in PDF format (Over 50+ Pages)

The Secrets to stop the cycle of negative thoughts, chronic dissatisfaction, and relationship drama in this 8 Week Life-Changing Course with 16 Comprehensive Lessons in PDF format (Over 50+ Pages).

16 Audio Lessons: simply listen to 2 each week & you'll automatically be aligned to feeling love and loved

Lessons that come with actionable exercises to support you to finally let go of old patterns

so that you can live a happier more loved-filled life

Lessons that come with actionable exercises to support you to finally let go of old patterns so that you can live a happier more loved-filled life

8 Life-Transforming Guided Meditations: Audios guide you to embody confidence & attract great things into your life, to aid you in letting go of the past once and for all, to change unsupportive beliefs and trust in life.

2 PDF E-Books: 8 Ways to Protect Yourself From Energy Saboteurs and 8 Essential Steps To Breaking Unwanted Habits Consciously

If you tend to procrastinate when it comes to completing self-help audio courses and books or any other important activity then you will get great benefit from the bonus guided meditation track, Overcome Procrastination as it’s designed to increase your energy and motivation to get things started and finished, so you can complete this course and act.

Self-study course to keep. You can access whenever and wherever you want: 2 lessons given each week for 8 weeks then you can move at your own pace; return to the material again and again to take your transformation deeper and further

  • Instant & Downloadable materials sent to you as soon as you make the purchase  including all 8 meditations
  • A whole new reality in the relationship with yourself and others
  • The chance to experience real confidence, to really feel love and trust life others  and yourself

Get Instant Access for Only $97!

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Greater Self-Confidence Is Just A Few Clicks Away...

Learning how to boost your confidence and love yourself is everything.

You feel more at peace, accepted, and completely confident in all situations.  It is the most important skill you can learn.

I believe in this because I experienced it myself and I am giving you every chance to try it so you can see how it can change your life.


Try it out for the next 14 days and if you can honestly say it is not doing anything for you or that your life has not been profoundly touched when you follow the exercises and meditations then you can get in touch with me for a full refund... No questions asked.

The Key To Greater Success and Happiness… The Key to Cure Self-doubt 

and Any Heartache Is Within You And Has Been There All Along!

The Key To Greater Success and Happiness… The Key to Cure Self-doubt and Any Heartache Is Within You And Has Been There All Along!

I have met many people along my journey who have always told me that they thought 

there was something wrong with them because they have never felt confident in themselves

or abilities in one or many areas of their life, or where they never felt truly happy or at peace.

I have met many people along my journey who have always told me that they thought there was something wrong with them because they have never felt confident in themselves or abilities in one or many areas of their life, or where they never felt truly happy or at peace.

I have watched people search far and wide to seek cures and solutions just to feel better, 

more confident, and to rid themselves of the emptiness they feel inside. No matter what they do, 

or how much money they spend, they never find satisfaction or answers to their lack of confidence.

I have watched people search far and wide to seek cures and solutions just to feel better, more confident, and to rid themselves of the emptiness they feel inside. No matter what they do, or how much money they spend, they never find satisfaction or answers to their lack of confidence.

 Self-confidence is transformed by self-love!

 The emptiness from this lack of love cannot and will not ever be filled with wealth, 

material items or making ourselves ‘perfect’. That space is only filled with one thing:

 The emptiness from this lack of love cannot and will not ever be filled with wealth, material items or making ourselves 'perfect'. That space is only filled with one thing:

 Learning to love yourself and your confidence will sky rocket. 

I know it’s going to change your life like it did mine. From my heart to yours.

The Key To Greater Success and Happiness… The Key to Cure Self-doubt 

and Any Heartache Is Within You And Has Been There All Along!

The Key To Greater Success and Happiness… The Key to Cure Self-doubt and Any Heartache Is Within You And Has Been There All Along!

I have met many people along my journey who have always told me that they thought 

there was something wrong with them because they have never felt confident in themselves

or abilities in one or many areas of their life, or where they never felt truly happy or at peace.

I have met many people along my journey who have always told me that they thought there was something wrong with them because they have never felt confident in themselves or abilities in one or many areas of their life, or where they never felt truly happy or at peace.

I have watched people search far and wide to seek cures and solutions just to feel better, 

more confident, and to rid themselves of the emptiness they feel inside. No matter what they do, 

or how much money they spend, they never find satisfaction or answers to their lack of confidence.

I have watched people search far and wide to seek cures and solutions just to feel better, more confident, and to rid themselves of the emptiness they feel inside. No matter what they do, or how much money they spend, they never find satisfaction or answers to their lack of confidence.

 Self-confidence is transformed by self-love!

 The emptiness from this lack of love cannot and will not ever be filled with wealth, 

material items or making ourselves ‘perfect’. That space is only filled with one thing:

 The emptiness from this lack of love cannot and will not ever be filled with wealth, material items or making ourselves 'perfect'. That space is only filled with one thing:

 Learning to love yourself and your confidence will sky rocket. 

I know it’s going to change your life like it did mine. From my heart to yours.

Hear From Others Who Felt Just Like You

I reached out to Nicola because I was struggling to trust men in relationships. I’d find myself ending relationship after relationship, over the smallest things. I could no longer hide the fact that the lack of success in love was down to me not feeling confident with who I am and not feeling confident I deserved to be loved as I am. I’d sabotage it time and time again. I got this course and it changed everything for me, I’m now happily married with a baby on the way. 

-Dana, Abu Dhab

I reached out to Nicola because I was struggling to trust men in relationships. I’d find myself ending relationship after relationship, over the smallest things. I could no longer hide the fact that the lack of success in love was down to me not feeling confident with who I am and not feeling confident I deserved to be loved as I am. I’d sabotage it time and time again. I got this course and it changed everything for me, I’m now happily married with a baby on the way. 

-Dana, Abu Dhab

I went to Nicola because my jealousy and insecurities were damaging another relationship. I knew I was being controlling, possessive, and needy at times, but I could not stop myself. My wife was fed up of being monitored and questioned and was ready to walk out door. I knew I needed to change and tried on my own for many years, but couldn’t switch off the thoughts. The hardest step was asking for help, but I'm so glad I did. Nicola got me to see that my thoughts are not me, she gave me tools to get through difficult moments. Instead of working on the relationship, the best thing I could do for my family was to work on my self-esteem and confidence. Nicola got me feeling good about my life and choices.

-Ian, London

“I’ve never wanted to admit it but I’ve always struggled with my confidence. I didn’t have the best teenage years, and this brought my self-esteem right down. I never said anything good about myself because I didn’t believe I was as good as the other kids. The Self-confident secrets has helped me step forward, ask for what I want and overcome my fear of public speaking. Thank you, Nicola, for this program it’s awesome.”

-H, Abu Dhabi

I was lost, confused and exhausted when I first contacted Nicola. I felt like my life was not mine anymore and I was always having to please everyone. No matter what I did for our families it was never good enough. I was empty, fed up and couldn’t continue with the status quo. I was tired of being told what to do and always having to explain myself. I wanted to be stronger, feel confident and support myself but I had no clue how to do that. I booked a package with Nicola and it changed my life. I learnt how to say no to others and yes to myself. I’d recommend Nicola to anyone who is being controlled in a relationship and wants to find their inner strength again.

-Rita, Dubai

“Not being able to approach the opposite sex because I fear rejection was difficult. I was always the butt of my friends jokes because they didn’t understand that I really got bad anxiety speaking to women. Thanks to this program I am no longer doubting myself!”

-Ahmed, Bath

The Self-Confident Secrets

A Complete Set of Tools That Will Change Your Life Forever

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